Because of more than thousand years of Buddhism establishment in Thailand, many magic stories of senior monks were recorded, and of course Luang Por Parn of Wat BangNomkho, Ayudhaya province, was one of the most famous legends.
That allured not only ordinary people to deeply respect and believe in Luang Por Parn, but even many other monks also believed in him and tried to seek an opportunity to be his followers, for any one who can succeed in learning and practicing Luang Por Parn magical science will be highly respected by the general public in Thailand.
Anyway, just a few of them were really successful to learn and receive all those magical science from Luang Por Parn, and one of them was Luang Por Mee who had devoted all his life to learn everything from Luang Por Parn.
Starting from learning general things such as teaching Dharma for local people and using some wild grass to cure diseased people. Those steps might be boresome and many had decided to fade away, because they thought it’s too difficult and impossible for them to learn all the precious science from Luang Por Parn.
But for Luang Por Mee, nothing was impossible for him, he was dare enough to devote even his life for Luang Por Parn, so why must he be afraid of anything else?
Such decisive mind really pushed Luang Por Mee to walk ahead and ahead through all difficulties, until he had reached an important step that led him to the magic science of Luang Por Parn.
The step was to learn a magical science called “Asupa-gamadhan”, this science is not only difficult to learn but also very much awful to all people, that made many leave the scene unsuccessfully.
Asupa means corpse, and gamadhan means high-level concentration practicing, therefore the learners have to spend months or years staying with the dead to consider the 5 Khuntha which are:
- Rupa, or surroundings those can be seen with human eyes.
- Vetana, or receiving of sadness and happiness including with no feeling (which’s called U-beka).
- San-ya, or memory and recognition.
- Sang-kara, or emotions which divided into two types, one is good and merciful emotion, another is bad and wicked emotion.
- Vin-yana, or feelings such as feel cold, feel hot, feel hungry, feel thirsty, etc..
Apart from practiced all those mentioned above, Luang Por Mee also learned many of Luang Por Parn’s magical spells, and those spells are really powerful for creating magical things, including amulets.
After he accomplished all the learning, Luang Por Mee had traveled to many places and eventually settled at Wat Marawichai, Ayudhaya province, where he had used all the magical science of Luang Por Parn to help lots of people.
That’s why Luang Por Mee was praised as one of the most distinguished disciples of Luang Por Parn, and his amulets were so much trustful as the magic things to dispel all evils.
A well known account of Luang Phor Mee
An Ajahn of Luang Phor Pern was assisting a villager who was under the influence of a black magic spell. As a consequence of his lack of experience and power the effects of that black magic were passed to the Ajarn.
Luang Phor Pern himself could not exorcise the demonic forces and had to seek guidance from Luang Phor Mee at Wat MunWiChai.
Lunag Phor Mee performed sacred rituals to remove the dark forces. During this process the Ajarn felt great discomfort and passed nails during a visit to the bathroom. He immediately knew that the effects of the spell had been lifted.
It was apparent that Luang Phor Mee possessed the requisite high levels of wisdom and dharma, and that day's events became widespread news.